When it comes to receptions Joe Kalamaras is a passionate host who does more than just push play… he throws an ALL OUT PARTY. He will get every single one of your guest onto the dance floor… from your youngest flower girl or your grandpa. No one can resist dancing to Joe’s beat. Not only is Joe our go-to DJ, but he is also your MC and provides a photo booth and reception lighting all wrapped up with a festive bowtie.
Aside from being an incredible DJ his MC skills are off the chart. He is able to mix a hip vibe with the professionalism that allows him to bring class to all events.
If you’re a super fun couple who is open to the concept of entertaining your guest to the highest level, call Joe!
1. Always interview your DJ in Person prior to booking.
2. Put your potential DJ on the spot by asking he or she to stand up and show you how they would introduce you for your first dance!
3. Ask you DJ how they entertain during cocktail and dinner hour, as well as unique ways they can create an experience that goes beyond music.
We can’t wait for you to meet Joe, here’s a little more about him:
“Hello! I’m Joe with DJs Disc Jockey and my wedding company helps create highly personal wedding entertainment throughout Northern California. We style ourselves in such a way that your guests feel super involved every moment of the day.”
For more information on Joe or to contact him about wedding services check out his website: www.sjsdiscjockey.com
You can also read the 5 star reviews on YELP